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Before a muscle becomes tight there is usually first a near by muscle weakness.  If you can correct the weakness, then most times you can eliminate the tightness. 


A multitude of factors such as trauma, stress, or overuse can contribute to muscle weakness. When you exercise, there is a period of exertion and then recovery. It is normal to feel fatigue. 


When there is trauma, stress or overuse, the muscle may not recover until properly rested. If this is habitual, then the result can be muscle weakness. A sudden trauma to the body may also cause a muscle to become weakened, such as slipping on ice and moving into an extreme range of motion suddenly.


The central nervous system detects various forms of stress and as a defense mechanism, inhibits the ability of muscles to contract. 

Your body produces a protection mechanism to keep the body from moving into a position of weakness or vulnerability. 

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